• Our company covers an area of 1.2 million square meters, we own 100,000 m3/year capacity of furniture plywood, 300,000 m3/year capacity DIFFENBACHER continuous press line and more than 50 rotary cut machines


    Inkampani yethu ihlanganisa indawo engu-1.2 million square metres, siphethe u-100,000 m3/ngonyaka we-plywood yefenisha, umthamo we-300,000 m3/ngonyaka we-DIFFENBACHER ulayini wokunyathelisa oqhubekayo kanye nemishini yokusika ye-rotary engaphezu kuka-50.

  • Our products have passed iso9001, ISO 4001, CARB certification, and have more than 20 patents. There are more than 1,200 professional and technical personnel, and more than 60 engineering and technical personnel.

    Ukuqinisekisa ikhwalithi

    Imikhiqizo yethu isidlulile i-iso9001, ISO 4001, isitifiketi se-CARB, futhi inamalungelo obunikazi angaphezu kuka-20. Kunabasebenzi abangaphezu kwe-1,200 abangochwepheshe nabezobuchwepheshe, kanye nabasebenzi bonjiniyela nezobuchwepheshe abangaphezu kuka-60.

  • Our company has been in the wood-based panel industry for more than 20 years and has a forest area of 3 million square meters. The supply of raw materials is more stable and quality assurance.

    Inzuzo Yentengo

    Inkampani yethu isineminyaka engaphezu kwengu-20 isembonini yamaphaneli esekwe ngokhuni futhi inendawo yehlathi engamamitha-skwele ayizigidi ezi-3. Ukunikezwa kwezinto ezingavuthiwe kuzinze kakhulu futhi kuqinisekisa ikhwalithi.


Imikhiqizo yethu

Imikhiqizo inezitifiketi ze-ISO 9001, ISO 4001 kanye ne-CARB. Manje sihlanganisa indawo engamamitha-skwele ayizigidi ezingu-1.2, abasebenzi abangochwepheshe abangu-1200 kanye nonjiniyela abangaphezu kuka-60.


I-Guangxi Hengxian Yige Wood Co., Ltd itholakala epaki ye-Modern Forestry Industrial, Hengxian County, Province of Guangxi, China. Epaki lezimboni, siphethe imboni ye-plywood enemigqa yokukhiqiza engu-6 kanye nomthamo we-60,000 m3 / ngonyaka weplywood yefenisha; eyodwa 300,000 m3Umthamo wonyaka we-DIFFENBACHER ulayini wokucindezela oqhubekayo ongakhiqiza i-particleboard, i-OSB kanye ne-OSB engaphezulu; kanye nemishini yokusika ye-rotary engaphezu kuka-50 ehlinzeka nge-veneer eyomisiwe yekhwalithi ephezulu ngamasayizi amaningi ahlukene.